
Edward Stennett - Family


Edward and Mary Stennett had a large family, including at least four children who lived to adulthood "beside those who died young." As a physician, Edward had been successful enough so that he could give his children a "liberal education," notwithstanding his bearing a considerable share of the persecution which Dissenters underwent at that time.

Jehudah, their oldest son, apparently took to education which was to be a Stennett family emphasis not only in Edward's family, but for his descendants throughout the next century, At nineteen Jehudah wrote a Hebrew grammar which was printed and was well received by the public. Joseph a younger brother, was born in 1663, so Jehudah must have been before that. However, this grammar was printed in 1685 when Jehudah must be at least twenty-three perhaps the grammar was not published immediately upon composition. 086  

Jehudah joined the Pinners' Hall Seventh Day Baptist Church at its reorganization in 1686. He played an active part in the many errands on which the church sent its leaders. Jehudah with Joseph his brother and John Jones were called in 1687 to preach to this congregation whenever they "had not assistance from any other church." Shortly thereafter, Jehudah moved into the country, but later when he happened to be in the city, he took part in the business of the church. 087  

By vocation, Jehudah followed his father, being an "eminent physician." He practiced with success in Henly-upon-Thames, which is about thirty-five miles west of London and twelve to fifteen miles east of the family home at Wallingford. Later he practiced in London. 088   The best known of the children of Edward and Mary was Joseph, Chapter two of this thesis is devoted to him.

Another son was Benjamin, who like Jehudah, joined the Pinners' Hall Church at its reorganization. He was likewise active in church errands, and in 1694 was formally called to preach once a month, after having every two weeks, the previous four months. He was "a valuable and useful minister", but died in 1695. 089  

A daughter of Edward and Mary was instructed by her brother Joseph in Greek and Hebrew and thus could consult the "scriptures in their originals with ease and pleasure." She married a "worthy gentleman, Mr. William Morton, of Naphill, in the county of Bucks." It was at their home that Joseph died in I713. 090  

I believe that Hannah Stennett is also a daughter of Edward and Mary. After having been baptized by Edward, she was received in the membership of the Pinners' Hall Church, Feb. 13, 1686/7. She died Jan. 20, 1695/6. 091  

According to a twentieth century write-up, there is another son, George, who is said to have been "an eloquent sound and able preacher of the Gospel." However, that is the only reference to such a person, so I think he is another enlargement of the Stennett story over the years in which it has been told. 092  


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Edward Stennett Footnotes - Family spacer3.gif

086     ... A comprehensive Grammar: Containing ... Rules for Reading and Attaining the Hebrew Tongue, etc . (London: 1685, pp.71). There is one statement that Edward wrote a Hebrew grammar ( Dictionary of National Biography , XVilI, 1037), but Whitley suggests is a confusion with that of Jehudah. Cf. W. T. Whitley, A Baptist Bibliography and British Museum - Catalogue of Printed Books.

087      Pinners' Hall Record Book , pp. 2, 4, 6, 13, 17.

088     Joseph Stennett, op. cit. , I, B7; Payne, The Baptists of Berkshire , p. 50.

089     Joseph Stennett, op. cit. , I, B7; Pinners' Hall Record Book , pp. 2, 20, 33, 36, 256. I think Benjamin is probably a little younger than Joseph.

090     Joseph Stennett, op. cit. , I, B7 B34. SDBs in EA , I, 96 calls this daughter "Mary". No one else goes beyond the designation, "Miss. Stennett." It seems to me that the name "Mary" must be a confusion with her mother.

091     I think she must have been a daughter of Edward. for the oldest son of Edward is Jehudah who is about twenty-three years old in 1685. It would have been impossible for him or any of his brothers to have a daughter old enough for Baptist membership in 1686/7. The record book is not clear, and her death date might have been Jan. 20, 1696/7. ( Pinners' Hall Record Book , pp. 10, 259 (4).)

092      SDBs in EA , 1, 96. "He" is perhaps confused with a boy of the same name, whom I think is a son the first Joseph Stennett.

